Tuesday, September 25, 2012

4 days before SPONSORED WALK

The weather:

In Africa they walk to get water, whatever the weather.

The map:

Hi, I'd like to share a Google Maps link with you. Link: <https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=55.393493,-1.624603&daddr=&hl=en&geocode=&sll=55.392064,-1.61938&sspn=0.019061,0.051241&vpsrc=6&mra=mift&mrsp=0&sz=14&ie=UTF8&t=m&z=14>

We still need someone with a large vehicle to pick up some traffic cones in Alnwick.

Good news:
We have received some donations and there are a few raffle prizes in the school reception. This is great news.
The tent is ready to be picked up on Thursday at a local farm. Apparently it takes 45 minutes to erect!
The meat will be delivered on Friday by a local butcher.

We could do with some more raffle prizes and cakes for the tea/coffee/cake stall(to be delivered to school on Friday).


This sponsored walk aims to raise awareness of the importance of water. The Grade 1 class of John Wesley Kosi Bay school in South Africa did a project on the environment. They looked at the food chain, the environmental pyramid and the important role water plays.

grade 1 class at the mouth

They took a trip to the incredible Kosi Bay mouth and talked about water, sea creatures, turtles and nature. The sea and estuary were particularly beautiful on that day.

environment project

Basically, if you remove the human can....nothing happens.
But, if you remove the water can from the pyramid(can be demonstrated by child volunteers), then the whole pyramid collapses!

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